A nice evening with Neil Young

So last night I'm sitting and reading Neil Young's new book, and it's really quite good. A little disjointed and messed up, much like his life, but refreshingly honest, candid, and well written. Then I listened to "Prairie Wind" and "After the Gold Rush," and I think I enjoyed these two great albums more than ever before, since Neil's written words were still fresh on my mind. I've been a fan of Mr. Young ever since "Deja Vu" was released (the first album I ever bought.....I was in tenth grade) and it's really a treat that he's still making music and active on the scene. I recommend his new book to all of you who have appreciated his music all these years.
I agree adam he is an icon,and for all the mentioning he does re: Bob Dylan in his book,Neil you were my Bob Dylan Brother,a voice of my generation. Just listen to Ohio,where was Bob?
I'm reading the actual book. Hardcover, turning pages, the real thing. Lots of reviews out there in internet-land about Neil's writing. For me, I'm taking it as it is. Neil's rambling thoughts, his spontaneous ideas, reflexive points of view, etc., etc. Yes, the book would be much better, from a literary point of view, if it was properly edited..... Yes, we really might not care too much about his Lionel trains, "Pono" sound, or dilapidated car collection... but there's something about the book's "raw" nature that I'm really enjoying. Sort of like an unfiltered cabernet... very rough around the edges, but the more you sip it, the better it gets. Let's face it..... Neil Young is a truly unique individual musician --- there aren't any guys like him out there. He's given us a ton of tremendous songs over the years, and now, he deserves our attention. I think it's pretty cool that we can sit back and read his stuff and appreciate his life. Whether we're stuck on Sugar Mountain, dreaming about that pretty Cowgirl in the Sand, or simply wondering why our Rust Never Sleeps, we all owe a lot to Neil Young. Let's just enjoy.....

I just finished and I agree with Swanny in regards to Pono and then Lincvolt.I consider this more a daily Journal which what it was. Says in the book he was taught through his father on the writing process to just write everyday,whatever is on your mind and boil it down and be a self editor. Being a self editor is the hardest thing to do ESPECIALY when your just starting out. I enjoyed Waging Heavy Piece but I wish he had touched on more of the people he connected with on his musical journey like the fact that Stephen Stills roomate was Peter Tork.
,hey maybe the next book.
Some things i found interesting is Green (the mixing board)used on 60% of neils early catalog has only two toogle switches,a high and low filter.This board has a history in RocknRoll for what it has mixed,Cream's Desrali Gears was one.
Starting Who Am I in a few days,Townsends book. Tell me you two did you read it in book form or download it. I bought the book and people were staring at me in the mall the other day while I was reading like "What's that?"
I am reading it now too, about half thru, and he definitely could have used an editor (I work in publishing). He repeats a lot of the same stories, sometimes on the same page! I am especially annoyed that he continuously interrupts the narrative for a "Message from Pure Tone" (now "Pono") and how he is going to rescue the music biz with high res files served via the cloud. OK, great, but come on. One short chapter would have sufficed. We get the point Neil. He does come across much as a much more kind and reflective person than Gregg Allman came across in his autobio. He sounds like he has made a lot of mistakes and sacrifices as he has followed the muse and is looking to his family as the center of his grounding as he ages. His thoughts and reflections on the important people in his life who he has lost are especially insightful. Very interesting to learn how long he has known Steve Stills and how connected he feels with him. Compared to Gregg with his 5th or 6th wife (can't remember, and I don't think Gregg can either) and his dismissal and outright condemnation of many great musicians he had come into contact with over the years, it seems Neil Young has come through it all much wiser and kinder. I love these books.