I agree adam he is an icon,and for all the mentioning he does re: Bob Dylan in his book,Neil you were my Bob Dylan Brother,a voice of my generation. Just listen to Ohio,where was Bob?
A nice evening with Neil Young
So last night I'm sitting and reading Neil Young's new book, and it's really quite good. A little disjointed and messed up, much like his life, but refreshingly honest, candid, and well written. Then I listened to "Prairie Wind" and "After the Gold Rush," and I think I enjoyed these two great albums more than ever before, since Neil's written words were still fresh on my mind. I've been a fan of Mr. Young ever since "Deja Vu" was released (the first album I ever bought.....I was in tenth grade) and it's really a treat that he's still making music and active on the scene. I recommend his new book to all of you who have appreciated his music all these years.
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