A Newbie's First Week Impressions -- Vinyl Rules

Well after owning my first turntable for a week and having let the cartrige run in a good bit (Music Hall MMF-5.1 with Goldring 1012 cart), I've come to the conclusion that I've heard nothing digital that even comes close to the realism here. In a way it feels as though somehow I have rediscovered music. Up until now, I had never heard a half-decent analog system, so I didn't know what to expect. I certainly didn't expect this much of a difference. So often on these forums I see comments posted by "vinyl zealots" and I can see how it is very easy to become one. And this is all with a very modestly priced turntable setup. I now feel as though my system has room to grow. Before I was always trying to dampen and smooth out the harsh sound of digital. I used to think that the harshness was caused by other things (solid state instead of tubes, bright speakers, etc.). After purchasing this turntable I discovered what the problem had been this whole time. I will probably never be able to afford a cd player that I think is capable of coming close to analog playback (I would imagine it would take a good $10k to reach that level). So to achieve audio playback that is acceptable to my ears, digital is just out of my reach.

So I guess this rant is really just my way of saying hello and welcoming myself to the vinyl crowd. I know I'm gonna be part of it for a long time.

P.S. Do you guys have any recommendations for record cleaning and ways to reduce static? I've already got a humidifer running...
I recently aquired both the Music Hall 5.1 and shortly before that a Music Hall 2.5 CD player. I have to admit that I feel the CD players sounds much better although by the same token I have been listening to more vinyl than CD's. I suppose it it because of the nostalga, the regime / tinkering required. I have also been looking in to some upgrades for the 5.1. It occurs to me that one the Project Hall carbon fiber arms could probably be retrofitted. I am sure I could use a better phono stage and cartridge and I believe there is an electric speed control available for the 5.1. All I have done at this point was upgrade to a Herbies mat from the stock felt mat. Static has been cut down a bit but not much. Probably need a zero stat. I do prefer the warmer sound the Herbies mat provides utilized with the clamp.
I have obtained all the necessary materials to try steaming but I just haven't gotten around to trying it yet.

The more you clean vinyl, the more dirty they get and the more pops and crackles you hear. Most of the records I have (that haven't been eaten up by termites) do not have static nor pop sounds because I've never cleaned them from day one.

I don't have crackles and pops from cleaning records. I can't imagine not cleaning my used or new LPs.
Have fun. It only gets more expensive from here.

I had the MMF-5 for about 3 weeks before I upgraded to a Scout. If you want to see what Vinyl can REALLY do...well...it's a slippery slope, That's all I can say.

Invest in a 16.5. You'll save money on the cartridges in the long-run and enjoy the music more than you can imagine.
Hi Maineiac, I suppose for used records, you will have to clean them before playing. I never did get into used stuff, bought all my records new.

I suppose technology and the purchasing power of audiophiles have moved on since the 80s. In those days, you had to go to a shop to get your records "cleaned" by a Keith Monks machine and not actually own a cleaning machine yourself. For what it's worth, the records I purchased new in the late 80s still play like new today and I've never used a cleaning machine and, for many of them, not even a carbon brush.

However I do have a stack of termite eaten records and those have dirt trails all over them. Would a 16.5 be able to bring them back to a functional state providing there isn't any damage to the vinyl itself?

Most of the used records I purchase may not be in such a stressed situation as a "termite eaten LP" but I have had some tougher ones that cleaned up amazingly well. I have also had new records that had a lot of ticks, pops, and crackles both cleaned and straight from the jacket.