A new Audiophile music label, cutting LP's

I thought you LP guy's may be interested in this article: http://www.stereophile.com/shownews.cgi?1269

Pure Audiophile is Born

By Jon Iverson

February 18, 2002 — It's a brave group of souls who run today's audiophile music labels. Sane business minds would likely deem it foolhardy to start a new specialty label these days, but sometimes one's passion for music overrides the rational impulse to try something a little bit more secure (like perhaps an Internet company?).

Such is the case with start-up Pure Audiophile, which is releasing its first LPs this month. The two-disc set is called Ballads: Remembering John Coltrane and features vocalist Karrin Allyson with James Williams on piano, John Patitucci on acoustic bass, Lewis Nash on drums, and Bob Berg, James Carter, and Steve Wilson taking turns on saxophone. Retail price is $49.50 for the 2-LP, set with $5 shipping added if you order direct from the company.
Just got my copy. Not only did the record sound great, the music is equally good. Since Dennis at Pure Audiophile told me there were only less than 1000 pressed I gather this one would soon be sold out.
Phild, I agree with your asessment. PA is following the footsteps of Clarity Audio who put out a good record by a good singer (Mary Stallings). Good as she was it didn't make me want to buy another for $20+ and I never forgot Ella, Billie, or Dinah while listening to Mary.
Not only do audiophile companies fail most of the time but they ususally put the blame on the consumer and not their lack of taste or mismanagement. They want to force what they like down our throats not necessarily what we want or like. The real music industry can do this and does as it has millions and millions of potential buyers. Not so with audiophiles, its just a big club in my view and way too classic rock oriented in the case MOFI and DCC. None of these companies have ever released any r&b of any significance or even blues (except Muddy's Folksinger). I'd pay dearly for a audiophile version of Sam Cooke's Mr. Soul or Nightbeat (which made a brief appearence no matter how mediocre) or some of the Atlantic catalog Ray Charles. I'm sure any self respecting rocker can name a Motown album or two as well. Instead we keep getting hit over the head with the same same ole now. I can't think of one decent classic rock album that hasn't been reissued at least once excepting Cream's Disreali Gears and the Hendrix catalog. PA might be good and Karrin Allison might be ok too, but for $50 they can keep the record and their day gigs.
But I'm willing to keep an opened mind. I do a mean Sinatra, want to make a record of me?
I think that's really great, but I think one of the reasons that many Audiophile companies fail is the fact that they're always releasing albums that few people care about musically (even if they are recorded flawlessly). I know it's not right, but I never seem to buy those boutique releases. They're expensive and I don't usually spend that sort of money when I'm not familiar with the artists. I'm sure many of these people are very talented, but if given the choice between a perfect recording of David Chesky and somewhat worse recording of a world renowned concert pianist...I'm going to buy the recording by the better piano player. I realize that a truly great audiophile recording needs to be controlled from start to finish. That probably means that they need to record the artist themselves (or pay the rights to release a previous recording) and that, unfortunately, leaves most major artists out of consideration because of their deals with larger labels. That's too bad for all of us, but it really hurts the audiophile labels. I know Mobile Fidelity tried to release Audiophile versions of popular recordings, but I was always amazed by some of the crap they chose to release. I always thought that there choices were all over the map, extrememly inconsistent, and the albums they chose were often mediocre recordings seemingly aimed at the consumer market instead of the Audiophile market. Besides all that, the major label licensing fees must have hurt their bottom line. Would MoFi still be around if they chose to release different albums, or are there just too few people buying Audiophile releases to support such a company? It doesn't seem like DCC or Classic Records have fared much better, and I think their releases were more consistent. Oh well...I'd love to see someone do it right someday.