A Love Supreme

Last night while listening to NPR I heard Coltrane's "A Love Supreme" playing in the background. It had been a while since I had listened to the album and I felt compelled to run downstairs and put it on. I sat there mesmerized and came to the conclusion that this recording really does capture more of his soul/emotion than probably any other. It just resonates. Can anyone help me out here?

p.s. I also really love Alabama on Live at Birdland and Spiritual on the Village Vanguard recordings.

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They should have
shown you to the sun
so he could know
his rival

you might have
made the world go mellow,

turned empty tables
golden with your sound

we are lucky, I suppose,
that they let you blow at all
their love is gold
that turns to dollars

yours streamed from your mouth
as free as air
as rare as free

still I can say
to children I don't have yet
Once upon a time, a Coltrane
walked the earth,

and hope
that they grow ears

Deborah D'Amico