A lot of unrealized systems out there...

I can't help but notice how many items that come up for sale here on Audiogon, or elsewhere, are unopened and never used, intended for a system that never came to fruition..... I mean, if I spent $10k on speakers, I would be listening to them within 2 minutes of being delivered... New equipment excites more than just about anything... I cannot wait to listen, like a little kid on Christmas morning... Are there really that many folks putting together home theaters, or bedroom setups that buy all this gear and then just give up? Consider me a skeptic, or at least, watching with one brow raised... It just seems there are A LOT of these unrealized systems out there on the second hand market...
I feel like I have a pretty good BS-O-Meter.. Which is why a "still in the box after 5 years" post raises a red flag for me... Sure, some are probably legitimate, but it would certainly lead to more questions for me...

I think most of us are chasing a dragon which does not exist, so I understand why most people are selling their gear...Time for a change or upgrade is perfectly logical to me.. It seams this audiophiliac disease I have is a journey with no final destination, and I am fine with that... In fact, I don't think I would be happy if I thought that my current system is the last system I will ever have...
"I think most of us are chasing a dragon which does not exist, so I understand why most people are selling their gear...Time for a change or upgrade is perfectly logical to me.. It seams this audiophiliac disease I have is a journey with no final destination, and I am fine with that... In fact, I don't think I would be happy if I thought that my current system is the last system I will ever have... "

The last few years, I've come to realize that your quote is the biggest obstacle most audiophiles need to overcome. It just kind of hit me one day. Everyone reads reviews, gets the opinions of others, buys and sells, etc..., but no one ever seeks out a system that has a sound that they can live with, and afford. Its a type of denial. Having a real, achievable goal puts an end to it all. I think that most people would rather be building a system they never finish, as opposed to completing a system and just listening to it. I was just as guilty of this as anyone else.
"but no one ever seeks out a system that has a sound that they can live with, and afford."

I made the mistake of listening to a Burmeister system a couple of years ago in a high end showroom.. So now I know what can be achieved, if money is no object... That system has given me a reference in which to compare, but trying to do so at a fraction of the cost is asking a lot, I know... Perhaps it is achievable with the right combination of gear, or maybe not... it sure is fun trying though...

I will always listen to my systems and be completely satisfied at the time... But when I get a little down time and start reading and researching, that's when the what-if-bug rears it's ugly head...