A light-hearted essay on loving music vs the audiophilia obsession

Dear all,

I penned a light-hearted essay about my audiophile journey and this hobby that is so deeply addicting.


Would love for you all to take a read, and comment. 
Perhaps your journeys are similar?



Showing 1 response by gregm

Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed your well-written missive. I for one, use any change of gear as an excuse to listen to music, again, and discover new things -- if discovery there is. Listening mostly to classical, I appreciate the nuances that come to the surface as a result of better SQ.

I have been an avid classical concert-goer with a penchant for accuracy in sound reproduction. Early on I had access to gear on loan which helped me make upgrades most of the time -- rather than changes. Nevertheless, I have changed 9 pairs of speakers, 11 power amps, 6 pres... and auditioned scores of others at home for extended periods of time. Strange though it may sound, the advent of superior sounding digital helped me close the TT upgrade anxiety!