A Highly Unusual Topic!

Good evening to the community!  In addition to all things stereo, I have an intense interest in women’s perfumes.  I have given my wife an extensive collection over the years, probably worth enough to purchase some Pass monoblocks!  Just curious if anyone else shares this interest.  Thanks!  I look forward to your comments and wish you all a great weekend!!    

Both my wife and I can’t stand the pungent smell of perfume. Many times we have switched tables in a restaurant because some old lady sits near us who smells like she took a bath in perfume.

However, I love the smell of Skunk Kush, Sour Diesel, Nuken, Zombie, White Triangle, Gorilla Glue, GGC, etc. My wife on the other hand says nothing as those odors are confined to my upstairs “office”. 🙂
@flatbackround. Not well known, but true: Ambergris is found in the s**t of sperm whales. Makes you wonder who thought of adding it to perfumes.
@baclagg.: I'm with you, but more in the single malt scotch club. It's amazing how even a single application enhances my listening experience.
@stereo5 . Good man!
It is very important for a woman to smell right. Right varies from one male to another. I do buy my wife perfume but only one brand, the one that suites the wizard inside when mixed with the natural pheromones.
I myself have use Ralph Lauren's Blue for years. It is very light but masculine. I have to get close to 25 people daily and I can not smell bad or have bad breath. To me using a cologne is like using a mouth wash.
It helps that Ralph is a car guy. He has an amazing collection. 
Not sure my recommendations would still be valid as they are many years old. I did the same for my wife in my travels around the globe. Used to kill time in airports sampling the different fragrances in the stores that used to be in most higher traveled airports. Seems like many of those have disappeared and with volume limits on liquids I then began to buy favor with leather purses from Brighton or other better leather shops. Now neither of us want things, we want time. Funny how things are- when you can't afford it you want it, but when you can- you no longer desire.