A great article on Class D/switching amps

The latest edition of The Absolute Sound has, in my opinion, the best overall perspective and evaluation of the eight most regarded class D switching amps on the market today.

The article contains an explanation of the technology, an interview with a couple of the most important designers, the individual reviews and finally a round table discussion regarding these amps.

I believe any of you GON members who might be considering auditioning a class D switching amp would want to review this piece regarding their different sonic signatures.

I had the pleasure of listening to the Kharma MP150 which the panel picked as being on top of the "heap" compared to Audio Research 300.2,Channel Island Audio D-200, Nuforce Reference 9 Special Edition, Red Dragon Audio Leviathan Signature, Jeff Roland Design Group 201, Cary Audio Design A 306,and finally the Spectron Musician III.

Each amp had at least two different reviewers with different systems evaluate them and then compare their experiences. This was a well done piece and if you read it I believe you find it both educational and helpful to understand what these amps are all about.

Showing 8 responses by coffeey

Ive listened to a couple digital amps and am not hearing half the neg. stuff mentioned in that article.Seemed like a strange article anyway.
That helped to pin down some of my feelings about the article,it was all over the place,like you said above if there ever was a time to listen for oneself this is it.
What is everyones cup of tea,thats boring.Seriously what do you think the Krell guy is going to say?
And in doing such a comparison as the Ab. Sound did,most of the amps probably did ok to very good compared to how they set everything up.There is no haze or colorization to what i listen to.
Also I think part of it might be ,do you really need 40,000 to build a reference,seriously 30,40, 50,000 thousand,pretty ridiculous when it gets right down to actually.
Its harder to build something with a limited budget and get good results then unlimited.There is just as many designers who cant build on a 30,000 ,as there is on 3,000 design,money doesnt matter,i dont have any Nuforce never heard it,but look at all the people voting with their money on that one,to say something like they cant hear or this isnt right compared to other products is simple wrong,ice or whatever platform can free up the designer to do his magic,like somebody above said good job B and O,Ucd,good job and well done to each and every platform.
As far as for sale items go,did we forget this a Agon,everything stereo is for sale sooner or later.