A good integrated amp for Silverline Sonatina II

I have a very good friend who is using a Musiical Fidelity A 3 integrated amp and the companion CD player with his Silverline Sonatina II's. The sound is very thin and there is absolutely no bottom end. He leaves the equipment on all the time and has moved the speakers numerous times in his 16x26 room with no improvement. He's using Goertz cabling and Absolute Power Cords. Any suggestions for getting more fullness in sound, including different equipment? Recommendation for a better integrated amp? CD Player?

Showing 1 response by nglazer

The thinness is probably coming from your CD Player, and not helped by amp. I have these speakers, and they sound anything but thin. They are wonderfully smooth and full - bodied. I would suggest Cardas Golden Cross (or Cross if that's all you can swing) interconnects between CD player and amp. That will give warmth and fullness to sound frm CD player. A cheaper fix than a new power amp (yours should be powerful enough; these are very efficient speakers, would be one of the Cardas Cross family of interconnects. I virtually guarantee better results. I had similar problems with an Arcan FM23 CD player and a McCormack DNA-1 power amp driving Dynaudio 1.8 MkII's. The interconnects made a huge differne in provisding a fuller, warmer, more balanced sound with better, tighter bass and took the edge off the top end.