A good integrated amp for Silverline Sonatina II

I have a very good friend who is using a Musiical Fidelity A 3 integrated amp and the companion CD player with his Silverline Sonatina II's. The sound is very thin and there is absolutely no bottom end. He leaves the equipment on all the time and has moved the speakers numerous times in his 16x26 room with no improvement. He's using Goertz cabling and Absolute Power Cords. Any suggestions for getting more fullness in sound, including different equipment? Recommendation for a better integrated amp? CD Player?

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mwalsdor: for a major improvement to you fine system, check out for your next purchase a Supratek Triode Syrah preamp. Like Moth, a small purist company. There's a thread running in pre/amp section right now under "Preamp deal of the century." You won't regret it...