A good cartridge match for Thorens 150 mkII?

I just came into a Thorens 150 mkII in good shape and am wondering what modern cartridge would be a good match for this turntable with the stock TP 13 A arm? Price range I am looking at initially is $100 to $300, but would consider more if the gain in sound quality with this table would be justified. Current SS phono preamp has both MM and MC capability. I prefer warmth over analysis.
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Showing 3 responses by thorman

I would consider the Grado Gold if you like a bit of warmth..Also the Shure M97xe would be another...
The other good thing is you can upgrade to the Grado Gold just by buying the Gold Stylus ( around $110 ) ..They all used the same cartridge body so upgrading the the Gold Stylus is a 2 minute change .........
You may very well be right..I bought the Grado Blue and upgraded to the Gold stylus.Sounds great to me...