A first

I have a newer system that I assembled earlier this year.  It includes the Luxman D-10X CD/SACD player, a Constellation Audio Integrated, Perlisten S7t speakers, and an older Music Hall MMF-7.1 tt with a Grade Sonata.

I had two friends over Saturday, and they love music but could not care less about sound.  They often hook up their phone to my system and play MP3 files.  Truly horrible sound, but they never cared.

I asked them to sit on the sofa and I played music, some they knew, some they did not.

The woman said it seemed like they were at a live concert.  The man said (and he is very cynical about nearly everything) that he never cared about "this audiophile thing", but he has never heard anything this great.

I doubt they will ever change what they listen on at their home, but I was so pleased that they were open enough to drop the cynicism and listen.


By the way, this system is in a big room, and it sounds spectacular.  


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All I can say is time has changed.   Back in the 70's, going to friends' houses to listen to their sound systems and album collections was a pretty common social event.   These days everyone has access to music in his/her pocket via a wireless headphone.   @ghdprentice said it right, audiophilia is very much a solitary pursuit.

These days when I have friends over,  I just put on some easy listening music like Diana Krall or Norah Jones playing at very low volume in the background.  I never want to draw anyone's attention to my sound system.  Music sharing is done very differently now.

Congrats OP on your system.  I've never heard of Perlisten speakers, but they sure look cool!

Hey @immatthewj, good old memories indeed!

My first stereo system was all Pioneer stuff that included a receiver, a turntable, and a pair of speakers.   And my first cartridge was a Stanton with a nice little brush attached.   They were purchased with my hard earned summer job money.   I later added a top of the line Pioneer cassette deck.  Looking back, I wish I have kept my cassette deck instead of throwing it out after I switched to CD's.

One of the favorite things that my friends would do was to come to my place and I would make a cassette for them from my album collections.   Essentially a playlist put together mechanically.  😀