A first

I have a newer system that I assembled earlier this year.  It includes the Luxman D-10X CD/SACD player, a Constellation Audio Integrated, Perlisten S7t speakers, and an older Music Hall MMF-7.1 tt with a Grade Sonata.

I had two friends over Saturday, and they love music but could not care less about sound.  They often hook up their phone to my system and play MP3 files.  Truly horrible sound, but they never cared.

I asked them to sit on the sofa and I played music, some they knew, some they did not.

The woman said it seemed like they were at a live concert.  The man said (and he is very cynical about nearly everything) that he never cared about "this audiophile thing", but he has never heard anything this great.

I doubt they will ever change what they listen on at their home, but I was so pleased that they were open enough to drop the cynicism and listen.


By the way, this system is in a big room, and it sounds spectacular.  


Showing 1 response by ursm

What a nice & friendly thread!  I recognize many experiences: I listen in a dedicated room, I am alone (except with an audiophile friend sometimes), my wonderful wife doesn’t care & has no interest, my son listens to background music only, my grandchildren are digital natives and of the MP3 generation…But I sit and listen concentrated on a variety of music I like, and I couldn’t care less what others think. I ENJOY. 😎