A. Eidolon v. JM Lab Utopia

Any thoughts about the differences?

Showing 1 response by gregm

Heard both, on different occasions & about 2-3 yrs ago. So, pls, don't be mislead by what I (think) I remember.

Utopias I heard were driven by an Ongaku (no sound), Krell mono (Bmpnyc speaks for me), Spectral (superbe). Eidolons were driven by triodes (! no sound), Spectrals (prodiguous).

Comparing the two w/ "matching" amplification. The Utopias were very analytical, "aggressively" analytical. The tweater set-up super fast and razor sharp (enough to trim your hair). Eidolons less so. Eidolons clear imaging, clear and musical (I remember I wasn't "looking" to hear anything). Bass resolution: excellent, on both. Speed: Ferrari, both.

Τhe Eidolon has remained in memory as the more "musical" of the two, now that I'm attempting the comparison. So, better.
But then, maybe I was in a better mood during the Eid/Spectral audition?

Good luck, both are great -- and difficult to drive -- speakers~)!