A difficult LP reproduction question

I have a nice high end system and wish to add a second turntable (for fun!). The choices are likely Thorens TD124MK ll or Lenco L75. Both these are old technology and will spin 78 RPM and use idler drive.

Desire is to experiment with moving magnet cartridge, inexpensive phono stages and 78 RPM records to name but a few.

Here are but a few of the economy priced phono stages that I've been researching for the past three weeks. (Hope that explains my lack of posting lately).


EAR 834P Deluxe

Lehmann Audio Black Cube SE

Antique Soundlab Mini

Musical Fidelity X-LPSv3


Any Audiogon member that have direct experience with any combination of these, I would appreciate your comments.
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Showing 2 responses by bmckenney

What about the GSL Jazz Club phonostage, which is designed specifically for the 78 rpm record.

If you don't need one specifically for 78 then the EAR 834P is certainly a very nice phonostage but when bought new its the most expensive one on your list. I have not heard the ASL but a local dealer has one and he says it is a little noisy but as someone said low noise tubes reduces/eleminates that issue. Two other phono amps I am considering (along with most on your list) right now as replacements for a modified 834P are kits. The Hagerman Coronet and the DIY HiFi Cole. Luckily I have tracked down someone in the city with a Cornet and will be comparing it to the modified 834P so I get a chance to make a good decision based on first hand experience for once. There is also a local dealer with the ASL mini and I just might bring it home for the weekend and see how it ranks in its stock form compared to the EAR and Cornet.
Mingda and chineese tube gear.....

I was considering that one too, but I am worried about service and reliability of any attractive 'affordable' gear from China. I believe that some of this stuff can be serviced in north america, but....

As for doing a test.... that someone could be you, no?

There are some US dealers who will do a 30 day on the MingDa, just for guys like yourself to check it out. I'd do it myself, but I live in Canada and its more of a hassle for me.