A different world

For decades I have struggled to get digital even close to comparable to analog. Then finally a couple years ago after lots of upgrading and experimentation I succeeded, streaming is equally satisfying with analog. The full soundstage, instruments suspended in space, tonal balance, dead silent background, and details of brass cymbals  … etc. Red Book CDs through my CD player are bested by my streamer with Qobuz or Tidal hi-Rez versions.


A new world. It takes a while to get it. No longer confined to music you “own” to play over and over. Replay is supplanted by exploration. You love an new (or old album) and hit, “add to library”. It is yours. 

So, HiGi+ magazine has an article on building a European 21st Century Jazz Library. I just start with the first album an start listening (add to library), the 2nd (add to library), the third… the forth, fifth… a whole new category of incredible music to sit along side Miles Davis and Hank Moberly. Just a couple days in the life of a audiophile streamer. I could have never predicted this as a possibility ten years ago.


You love music? The goal of having an infinite audiophile library is now possible. It is possible at any high end level… just requires knowledge that it can be done… and I guess give up the idea that there is something special about your CD collection, or players. 




Showing 2 responses by toro3

@edcyn I was at a Tower Records in Oahu near Waikiki. Looking back on it, my time at Tower was one of the better jobs I've had. I learned a lot, especially from the older staff that helped me explore genres I would have never thought I'd enjoy. Tower Records definitely had a culture and vibe - I miss that. If they were still around, I'd probably frequent on a weekly basis. I also wished I kept in contact with some of the people I had met who were fascinating and somewhat like-minded as myself. Thanks for sharing your story, edcyn! Glad there's a fellow Tower alum (I always wondered)!

I'm a sucker as well. And totally agree with the comment that I/you/us could have never predicted this as a possibility ten years ago, especially when I was working at Tower Records in college. I've always been music first, equipment second, with music exploration as a priority. The amount of money I've saved from streaming is astronomical.