A DAC that can make digital sound analog?

Hi All,

I have a ModWright Oppo 105D. It’s excellent....but it sure don’t sound like vinyl or tape.

What DACs have you heard that really work like magic on digital audio files? 

I am interested in DACs that kill that digital glare/blare, that gives you that sense of ‘blackness’ or ‘darkness’ to the audio soundscape, really letting you hear into the mix...ya know that layering, space and depth that is very evident on tape.

Very curious to hear your thoughts.


Showing 4 responses by gregm

As one who still listens to TTs, I would recommend a latest tech "DAC+ regenerator/re-clocker/ reviver, etc combo" —which is what I was loaned by a dealer trading-in my trusty old PS Audio PW....
To my ears (analogue, remember) the sound is excellent: very open and detailed, not harsh - i.e. not "digital" - excellent dynamic punch, powerful bass and a great sense of "air", hence, three-dimensionality. The 2-box combo I was loaned comes under the unlikely names of "Master-time" reclocker / regenerator, etc, & "Ayazi Mk-2" no less (DAC)* and is probably inexpensive as hi-end things go.
My digital front-end is either a PC/ MusiChi or Mac/ Audirvana. Currently looking for inexpensive cables to improve upon the bog-stard usb stuff.
Anyway, this combo works so I’m guessing regeneration is good for the dac?
*The trade-in was in the UK, not the US
I am certain digital can sound as good, if not better than, vinyl and tape.
I agree with you, despite being a vinyl fan.
My digital rig, for example (see above), sounds similar to my TT, consistently.
On occasion it sounds better: for example "Money" on 24/192 supposedly copied from the MT (doubtful).
As I said, my rig, my TT, my LP. YMMV

I have a two-box combo, received on loan and subsequently kept: devices come under the unlikely names of "3R Master-time" (reclocker / regenerator/reviver), & "Ayazi Mk-2" (DAC). They are made by a company I’d never heard of before called "Ideon" audio (later found out they had a product called 3R reviewed on TAS).I got these in exchange for my old PS Audio perfect wave -2, so I guess they are most probably inexpensive, or reasonably priced, new.
My digital source is a NAS / music library played thru either a PC/ MusiChi or Mac/ Audirvana, the PC /MusiChi being the better of the two. USB cables are the inexpensive Audioquests.
Amazingly, the whole thing sounds very good!
@ brettmcee
I have a serious suspicion that frequencies above 20kHz and below 20kHz are more detrimental than beneficial to audio reproduction.
I beg to differ, esp above 20kHz; the sense of space, clarity, and "smoothness" are directly influenced by frequencies in the upper regions. IMO it is redbook’s brick wall at 22kHz that makes it sound "harsh" rather than "crispy", "tiring", "truncated", etc. OTOH, hi-rez digital playback can sound very good—IF the original recording is comparably hi-rez, of course!
It’s just the same with vinyl: many of the better vinyls out there have content above 30-40kHz. The sonic result is, they sound "pleasant, smooth, enjoyable, real..." etc; in other words, vinyl was higher rez than much of the content we get nowadays!