A/D/S Fans: help me find a center channel

Many of us still love ads speakers I have recently cobbled together an nice 3rd basement system for TV movie watching using 1090s and or l300s. I am seeking a center to mate with these in timbre and tone.

Ads center channel models were made sometime after the L series and from my understanding are not the same animal as the l series. I have also tried just using the fronts as a Phatom center but I prefer a center for TV movies and switch it off for music.

So if anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate the input. Now this is for non critical listening so I’m not expecting a perfect or even ideal match.

As an FYI I currently use a Boston acoustics micro center which luckily mates pretty well. I’d just like something a bit larger sounding

Anyone have thoughts on trying one of the traditionally warmer related sounding brands ....maybe something from the UK like an older spendor or warfdale or maybe Sonus Faber ?
My only requirement is it I’d like to keep it seven inches or shorter....thanks in advance for any thoughts.


Showing 1 response by loomisjohnson

i would stay in the ads family--the L570 is often available around $100/pair on ebay and is terrific at that price--you can use one as a center and have a spare.