A challenge to the "measurement" camp

I’ve watched some of his video and I actually agree on some of what he said,
but he seems too confident on his insistence on measurement. For those
who expound on the merits of blind test and measurement, why not turn
the table upside down?

Why not do a blind test of measurement? That is I will supply all the measurement
you want, can you tell me which is a better product?

For example, if I have a set of cable, and a set of measurement for each
individual cable, can you tell me which is the best cable based on measurement
alone? I will supply all the measurement you want.
After all, that is what you’re after right? Objective result and not subjective
listening test.

Fast forward to 8:15 mark where he keeps ranting about listening test
without measurement.  

By the way, is he getting paid by Belden?  Because he keeps talking about it
and how well it measures.  I've had some BlueJean cables and they can easily
bettered by some decent cables.  
I read the first page and then skimmed a little.

can an oscilloscope measure accurately a cable that is higher quality than that which is in the oscilloscope? 
Using critical thinking though you cannot a better signal than the weakest point anywhere in your system. If you think otherwise you’re brain dead!

If you think otherwise, you don't understand what would be measured. An oscilloscope is also just one tool.
So a speaker wire can transmit a higher quality signal than the leads on the oscilloscope and the oscilloscope can measure that? How, quantum entanglement?

is there an instrument that uses higher than instrumentation wiring internally? Some of these speaker wire companies seem to think their cables are better but how would you know?
If you lose the childish and ignorant attitude, I would consider explaining it to you, but I doubt both that you have the relevant knowledge to understand, or that you will accept the answer given the childish, and technically ignorant first post.

However, here, perhaps this will help:   https://www.amazon.com/Measurement-Instrumentation-Application-Alan-Morris-ebook/dp/B0148FPMNW/ref=s...
I just read through all of your posts on this topic and you are the one being rude continually. The point is there are multiple points along the signal path where the physical wiring of the amplifier, pre-amplifier and other connections inside which are in capable of carrying a signal that speaker cable companies claim they’re cables are capable of. Are you suggesting that the cables can restore lost signal? Speaker cables can absolutely color the sound but they cannot improve on the signal. How about you take a physical driver out of the speaker and look at the terminal, if the terminal on the driver cannot carry the signal that your speaker wire is sending to it then what is the point? Is this some metaphysical magic or wizardry that is happening?