A challenge to the "measurement" camp

I’ve watched some of his video and I actually agree on some of what he said,
but he seems too confident on his insistence on measurement. For those
who expound on the merits of blind test and measurement, why not turn
the table upside down?

Why not do a blind test of measurement? That is I will supply all the measurement
you want, can you tell me which is a better product?

For example, if I have a set of cable, and a set of measurement for each
individual cable, can you tell me which is the best cable based on measurement
alone? I will supply all the measurement you want.
After all, that is what you’re after right? Objective result and not subjective
listening test.

Fast forward to 8:15 mark where he keeps ranting about listening test
without measurement.  

By the way, is he getting paid by Belden?  Because he keeps talking about it
and how well it measures.  I've had some BlueJean cables and they can easily
bettered by some decent cables.  

Showing 11 responses by thyname

LOL! Gene!! 
Then of course we have AtDavid under his fake “Robert” handle, and the Dow Jones .... LOL
Oh I know. I was just pointing out the stupidity of some folks around the nets
It’s probably the same guy. Like ours here. With his THIRD fake account 😂
As I said, professional full time Internet trolls. Especially AtDavid guy with his many fake accounts. DJ is just a senile copycat. Don’t mind him. 
Do you ever sleep sunshine? LOL!!! How many trolls do you have in your team?
L😄😁L!!! You have serious mental issues AtDavid! I am seriously beginning to think you are THE Ethan 
Hey Andy, as I said, don’t wrestle with pigs in mud. You cannot beat them in their game. That’s all they do full time nonstop in the Internets. They are professional..... pigs 
I know a guy who bitched how bad digital is. Compared to analog. Then I asked him what his digital chain was. It was a Chromecast Audio as streamer and a China DAC from Topping. He said because “bits are bits”, and if it works, meaning sound coming out of it, it’s as good as it can be. He also said Ethan Winer and AtDavid told him he had reached the apex in digital, and spending any more money on his digital chain was waste of money. He also said some Amir M. Guy famous on Audio measured his China DAC concluding measures just as well as a $12,500 DAC from Linn.

Meanwhile, the MSRP of his cartridge alone on his analog chain was like 12 times the price of his digital chain. Let alone his table, arm, and the rest. Heck... his platform where the turntable was seating costs a few times more than his digital setup. He said because in Analog everything matters, whereas in digital either it works or it doesn’t. Well.,.. no shit 😂😂