A brutal review of the Wilson Maxx

I enjoy reading this fellow (Richard Hardesty)



Showing 4 responses by downunder

He is not the only reviewer that gave a luke warm review of the Maxx 2's. Martin Collom's from hi fi news gave them a luke warm review back in late 2003. This coming from a guy that had Wilson watt puppy speakers as his reference for over 10 years.
He owns Avalon now.
What a stupid comment. Grooves has answered 3 threads in 3 years and you claim he protests too much. Pull the other one.
Sean, Nice summary - or should I say essay :).

I agree with you most that when you read a series of reviews from most/some? reviewers you get a sense of what they like and what their listening tastes/biases are.

Me I have no idea what sam tellig or Ken Kessler listening biases are, except that everything sounds WONDERFUL with correlation to the music playing. my two cents
Very interesting thread.

I wonder 6 or so years later if anyone's opinion's or tastes have changed :-).

I see the audioperfectionist is no more and Wilson has gone from strength to strength, but probably no less controversial