9B-ST for Home Theater Amp

I am using an Acurus 125x5 for the home theater surround setup, but I think my speakers need something with more bass control. The "slam" that I like is just not there in the mid-bass and lower frequencies. Can I get that out of a Bryston 9B-ST? I have the 4B-ST for my separate audio system, and the thing rocks. I'm worried that with a 9B I'm basically just buying 5 3Bs. Anyone have any other recommendations aside from Bryston? I thought about waiting around for the new 6B-ST and combining it with a 4B-ST, but then of course I'd have to get a new amp for my audio system. Ahh, decisions, decisions. Input would be appreciated.

Showing 1 response by chstob

Proceed Amp 5. Saw one on this site for around $3K yesterday. About the same power, though doesn't have the hundred year warranty or the big gnarly handles option. I like Bryston, but the Amp 5 is worth a look if you need a 5 ch. amp. Should have all the big tight bass slam you could ever want.