$9000 speaker Orangutan or speaker + amplifier

Hey guys,

Wanted to see if I could get your opinion on this question I am noodling over.

I really need a speaker upgrade. Of all the speakers I have heard (which are not many) I really like Devore Orangutan (Priced $8000-$12000).

I also liked Harbeth (SHL5).

Am wondering if I should get the the Harbeth (used) and buy a nice set of new amps (Coincident Dragon $6500). Which could cost me about the same as a new pair of Devore Orangutan (cannot find them used).

So my question is :
Devore Orangutan + Pass Aleph 3 (my current amp)
Harbeth SHL5 + Coincident Dragon

What do you think ?

My current system.

Clearaudio Concept
Triode TRX-1 Preamp
Triode DAC
Pass Aleph 3
Pyle pro phono amp ($15)
Stager silver interconnects.
Cheapo AQ speaker cables (will move to something silver soon).
Vienna Acoustics Haydn

I mostly listen to Jazz, Indian Classical, Piano, Vocals

Showing 9 responses by essrand

Swampwalker, I cannot find the Dragons for $6500, If I did.....

Mapman, your reply makes total sense.
though my dealer claims a 40W Tube amp (Quad 2) can power SHL5. I did see some virtual systems powering SHL5s with 70-80W. THough he thinks with 30W I might not get the full dynamics.

One reason I want to try the Orangutans is that I want to venture into the world of SET amps. Would the O/93 work with SET, 0/96 is 4K more $$ :|

Bob, your thoughts make sense, it might cost less for me to try the Harbeths and then if it doesnt work sell it off.

hmmm... too many choices... too little $$ :)
Mapman, thanks for your response. What you say makes a lot of sense, am experiencing it (I think) right now. With Aleph 3 powering my Vienna Acoustics Haydn.

Arh, I once made the mistake of electronics later, speakers first. Never again. My haydns sound sooooo much better with 6K upgrade in electronics.

Hence my question: Am trying to understand if the Devores are so much better than Harbeth that it might beat a great tube amp + Harbeth, while being powered by Aleph 3.
Swampwalker, are the Dragons that good ? Have you heard them.

I have only heard of them.

I thought the Orangutans O/96 will go well with SET amps (8-10W), is that not the case ? That would be sad, if so I will not bother with the Devore. My prime interest in this speaker would be to get a chance to try out SET amps and see what the fuss is all about.

Mapman, If I go for the Harbeth I would have to spend the 5K difference in price (between Harbeth and Devore) on a tube amp 50W+

So approx it will be same cost. 10K + change.

12K = Devore Orangutan
6K (Harbeth) + 6K (Higher power tube amp 60W) = 12K

Still wondering which might be better.
Chayro, No dealer near me (within 400 miles) deals with Orangutan 0/96. There is one dealer who has a O/93 that they are testing out. So I might be able to audition that with a SET. Its a good idea.

I do like the SHL5, have heard them multiple times, so its a safe choice for sure.

Charles1dad, I cannot find any pricing information for the Pharaoh, do you know how much it retails for ? Would be great to get more suggestions on SET friendly speakers. I know Coincident, Devore. And thats it.
Denon1, I think those speakers might need more power than my Aleph 3 30 watts. Also am looking for a change, I love my Haydn they are detailed, warm but I feel like I am looking for something more, like transparency. I am tempted to go up the VA line, its a safe bet for sure.

Dover, Do you really think an upgrade on TT will be better than an upgrade on the speakers (going from VA Haydn to Harbeth) or an upgrade in amplifier (Aleph 3 to Coincident Dragon). Also I am new to Vinyl and this is my first serious TT.
Hi Nvp,

Thanks for your response.

Do you know if these the Orangutans O/93 or the O/96 ?

(The O/96 have stands on them)
Kiddman, based on your post I am now looking for flight tickets to Denver for RMAF. Will update if I make it there.

I did listen to number of speakers at CAS 2013, but I think RMAF might be the way to go.

Am also intrigued about your comments on Harbeth. Can you elaborate ? I did not realize that Harbeth are known to be a bit colored and lacking in detail.

I have heard Tannoys, but only the 35K Royal Westminister SE, which I felt was not that impressive. It might have been the SS amps though. The dealer did not have any Tubes at that time.

Heard Tannoy DC10 at CAS 2013, it was extremely impressive.

My preference has been with Devore because when I heard it, I loved it. and it might go well with SET amps, which is something I want to explore.

My safe choice was Harbeth, cheaper but harder to drive, and I will have to upgrade my amps.
Thanks to everybody for your help and suggestions.

My latest update is that I bought a pair of Coincident Dragons (used) . Amazing is the word, my Vienna Acousitcs Haydns sound almost (85-90%) as good as the Devore Orangutans (O/93) driven by Nagra that I heard at the dealer.

While I am recovering from the financial damage, am going to the RMAF to hear all the possible speakers.