845 recommendations from actual experience

What 845s do you recommend, and why?

Sound quality, durabilty, price are the obvious considerations. But I'd like to settle on THE one to use with my VIVA Auroras.

Currently still using Sino 845s which is what Amedeo Schembri (designer of the amp) used to recommend.
I found the Psvane 845Ts to be beautifully made.

They sounded very good.

But my Auroras simply weren't compatible. They was apparently wearing out the Psvanes.

I recently spoke with Amedeo, VIVA designer and head man, and he actually felt that the overall best performance comes from the standard Chinese 845s...
I have also the fantastic viva aurora mono's and changed the 3 chinese 211 driver with nos GE vtc4 and the standard chinese 845 with Tad selection with a psvane hifi series. The sound is overall greatly improved, period.
I bought also sophia 845, but not yet tested it.
I am also trying to buy a pair of elrog, but they doesn't answer my mails...
Amedeo is wrong, imho... This amp's sound even better, with better tubes,
No doubt... !!!
I don't know about your amp, but I do know about the 845 tube - first hand experience. NOS RCA and United 845 tubes are far and away the best - night and day. The Chinese are not even close. But, the Chinese are affordable and do sound okay. The Chinese Amperex styled version (845B)does sound better than the original Sino 845. So, I would recommend the 845B. I also have the non-graphite anode 845C, but have not given them a long listen yet. I plan to do that later this summer.
My Opera 845S monoblocks came with 845B tubes which I always thought sounded very good not having any other reference. After they had done about 2000hrs and still sounding much the same, I swapped them for a pair of matched Psvane 845 Hi-Fi series tubes. I believe these are constructed much the same as the 845-T Collection Series but don't make it to the closer specification required(forgive me if I'm wrong). These new tubes are a condiderable improvement with greater bass control and very clear and dynamic high frequencies. They are worth every $ I paid. Much as I would like to try the 845-T I just can't decide to part with the extra $'s.
Another vote for RCA, but IMHO, this choice is system dependent. Depending on the speaker hanging off the Cary amp that I use, I sometimes prefer to use a GE 211 output tube. So, different horses for different courses.
