845 Dilema

I've been very happy using Shuguang 845B tubes in my deHavilland Aries 845G amps.
But like 99% of us I read great things about the newer 845's
and get to wondering if I should try something new.
Namly Elrog,Psvane WE 845 or Sofia 845 MK3
I know that many have listened to or own the above mentioned but has anyone actually had a shoot out with these tubes.
I would like to hear your thoughts and the amp(s) that were used.
Many Thanks

Showing 1 response by spiritofmusic

G'guy. I run Audion Black Shadow SETs w/Shugang 845Bs as standard. Perfectly fine, but I'll be trialling KR845s in the near future, and keep you posted on the results.
The advance buzz is that they may be a little leaner with less upper bass/lower mid euphonic warmth, better top to bottom eveness and greater speed/dynamics.
At c$1500+/pair, they better perform!