80s Levinson Gear - Best Repair/Refurbish?

Hey ’Goners, here’s the question: I have an ML-26 preamp, an ML-12 preamp, and an ML-23 power amp, all in need of various amounts of repair/refurbishing.

I’m in the Chicago area but there may be nothing local.

I’d appreciate suggestions for the best spot to have all this work done. I think the gear is worth it.

Thanks for the advice!
Ag insider logo xs@2xjji666

Showing 1 response by hgeifman


@ jji666, How does the Levinson Gear repair cost compare to purchasing new equipment or some newer preowned Levinson Gear or some other brand?

What kind of warranty comes with the Levinson Gear and what happens if it has issues after that time? I had a similar issue when I had my 20 year Ayre Amp repaired. I had concerns about how long it would last and my retailer suggested I sell it for my piece of mind (I did). Your repair will need to completely inspect your Levinson Gear to determine what repairs are needed. He probably will charge for this regardless of what you decide.

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