802 diamonds with class d amp

Just purchased 802 diamond package and have a rotfl class d amp. Wondering what differences I would hear with classe or mcintosh amps. Possibly something like the mc452?
I would go for a Pass Labs XA600.6 used. It has a lot of drive, speed, extreme wide and deep stage. The right focus on the sound of instruments and voices. Sound to die for.
Do you mean the XA600.5? What kind of cash am I going to have to shell out for those?
You have to wait and see on the internet. I have seen them for 10.000 dollar in the past. Wenn you want to spend less go for a X350.5 or set XA100.5. The XA100.5 have also a lot of drive. Don't focus on the 100 watts in class A. Because it has a lot of dynamics as well. Pass Labs makes music. Your speaker is exeptional good in sound realism. Pass Labs will make your speaker let you hear the real sound of instruments like only a few can.