Oops sorry for the late response. I changed the whole package. The whole speaker driver and cross overs. I end-up getting a Paper woofer and the ribbon tweeters. The speaker body itself produces a midrangey tone and I set the speakers like 11 inch away from the wall. Its stunning the way how the speaker process its sound and its really bassey’ due to the back porting which is what I prefer on speakers. 62 tube watts per channel is not really a lot of power respectively these yaqins are probably 40 watts in the ultralinear mode so its perfect for the size of my music room. I actually just finished recapping my amp with all pio choke caps and larger quality solens. The sound is slightly smoother after this work. The only thing I haven’t done is the remote volume.
I wanna put a picture here of the speaker and the modified amp but I don't know how..