7.1 setup

do the side speakers have to be bi-polar?

and what is the correct sub placement in theory?

thank you

Showing 1 response by johnnyb53

I think dipole surrounds should go the way of the dinosaur. The out-of-phase thing is a holdover from the old analog Dolby ProLogic days when the surround signal was mono and you wanted a vague, phasey surround environment to compensate. Ever since digital surround, more and more surround tracks have pinpoint placement, and with high-rez surround and additional surround channels (e.g., 7.1), the placement of surround directionality is even more specific.

As to the question, although I'd take bipolar over dipole surrounds, I'd say the best is omnidirectional or hemispherical. I've had bipolar and have switched to hemispherical surrounds and it's MUCH better. I use a pair of Mirage Omnipolar RS-1's for the surrounds and a pair of Mirage Omnisats for the rear surrounds. This creates a seamless, enveloping surround soundfield, but if the soundtrack has direction-specific material, you hear it coming and going exactly as intended. An example is the Quidditch games in the Harry Potter movies. On my rig you can hear the broomsticks flying up from behind you and zooming over your head to the front.