6SN7 tube GTA vrs GTB

I would like to know the difference between the designation GTA and GTB.


Showing 5 responses by jtwrace


I've been wanting to try some Tung Sol round plates..I use the Pope Holland's now. Thoughts?
OK. I've tried NOS RCA GTB's and never liked them. I am in Charlotte, NC. You?
OK. I will check that out. Funny, I will be in Indy in two weeks for work....
how are the Sylvania 6SN7WGT that good? I was told they are GREAT. Is this true? The "best" 6sn7? How do they compare to the RCA GTB's?

Has anyone heard of the 1578-6SN8 tubes from Russia? If so, I would like to know what you think of them.

I like all this tube talk. :)
