6h30 tubes dampers to replace Audio Research ones

Hell all
i have bought a ref110 which doesn’t have the black rings on the 6h30 tubes. So they are naked...
where to buy them ?
i know some people speak about Herbie’s ones, but i don’t want to make my sound clearer , as even if my ref cd7 is on the analog side, the sound coming from my maggies mg1.7i is everything except too warm.

i still have the black rings in my cd7, maybe move them to the ref110 and put somethig else in the cd player ?
or just find something for the ref110 but what and were ?
thank you guys


Showing 1 response by geoffkait


Not only that, but all (rpt all) other Tube dampers hurt the sound 🤕, including but not limited to silicon rings, ebony dampers, brass dampers, Swiss Ensemble woven copper sleeves, Tube Socks, and Tube Coolers (metal fins). Almost all dampers really are perfect examples of expectation bias in action.