6922 tube rolling recommendations

I've been tube rolling tubes in my Bel Canto SEP-1 preamp.
I've gone from Sovteks to Jan NOS to Mullard(1970's version I think....$35/ea from Triode Elec) The Mullards sound much better...quieter background, better top end extension...it's really sparked my curiosity about trying other NOS tubes. I see VTS selling various Telefunken, Siemens, Amperex, and other older Mullards. Can anyone recommend a good step up from my current Mullard gold pins?
Leafs, What is your problem? I took a chance and emailed Longplate for some advice. I'm new to tubes and he seemed to know what he's talking about. He spent all afternoon answering my emails, and at the end of the day I felt a whole lot better. I told him up front I was tapped out after buying my system and I wouldn't be buying any tubes. He could have cared less, he seems to only want to help. I'll email you when I have some money Longplate.
I dont have a problem.I made a point that I felt he was using the forum to promote his bussiness.Thats not what this forum is about.As the smart bussiness person he is he invested time in you for future benifit thats ok.
But to use the forum to promote his bussiness.Lets let the memebers decide.
Giving and sharing advice amoung members is ok thats whats great about this site.When someone comes on and gives advice and then has the items he touts for sale thats not what this forum is about.
I dont see the likes of AlbertPorter and many other great advice givers selling or peddling the items and things they give info on.
I've went over this thread twice and what has Longplate said to promote his business? It started out as a good thread which I learned a lot from. Then Leafs went out into space and made it ugly. Please let my post be the last.