6922 tube rolling recommendations

I've been tube rolling tubes in my Bel Canto SEP-1 preamp.
I've gone from Sovteks to Jan NOS to Mullard(1970's version I think....$35/ea from Triode Elec) The Mullards sound much better...quieter background, better top end extension...it's really sparked my curiosity about trying other NOS tubes. I see VTS selling various Telefunken, Siemens, Amperex, and other older Mullards. Can anyone recommend a good step up from my current Mullard gold pins?

Showing 1 response by harkey

I own the Bel Canto sep 1 which came with amperex 6922's. I hated the sound of the pre-amp (harsh and shrilly) I decided to change to telefunken 6922's to give it one more chance to shine.(By the way Kevin Deal woundn't sell me the telefunken 6922's to me because I bought my pre-amp through Audiogon) With the telefunken in place the sound is richer with more resolution. The difference between the two tubes was astonishing. best of luck Harvey