6550C vs KT88

I am using Audio Research VT100 Mk2. Thinking about trying the Svetlana KT88 to replace my 6550s. What are the biggest differences between the two? will this cause any kind of electrical problem in my VT100??
Thank you,

Showing 3 responses by killerpiglet

John l,
I repalced EH6550's with Svet6550c's (Rogue M120 Magnums) and found the Sevets to be better all-around. In particualr, thy sound more detailid, more powerful, and less fuzzy that the EH's. The amps also seem to be more powerful with the Svet's in.
What's more, they run much cooler, at least by 75% -maybe more- than the EH's which would really cook!

Kevziek, very interesting post. Did you try the Svet 6550c's or the 6550b's?
Of course, these things are so amp-dependent let alone system dependent; still it's a 180 over what I heard.

I'm loving the fact that changing the tubes can give me a very different amp, and I can always go back to the old amp by saving the "old" tubes.

Now, time to start thinking about that tube pre...