$6000 Budget Which used Amp ?

I Have up to $6000 For a used amp to run Martin Logan Electrostatics. HELP ME CHOICE -- Mark Levinson No.335 or336, pas labs X250/X350, Audio Research VT200, BAT VK500, Classe,Plinius ext...

Showing 1 response by jim

Mp is right. Give your Logans a listen with both solid state and high powered tube amps and hear the difference for yourself. They really open up with tubes. Tube amps are also better able to deal with the sometimes interesting impedance swings that these speakers can produce.

By the way, you didn't mention which Martin Logan speakers you plan on using. Are you driving Statements, Prodigy's, CLS's, etc. -- it will make a difference in recommendations although conceptually I think tubes, (or a combination of tubes and solid state), are still the way to go whatever the model.