60 cycle hum

I'm running a Rega P5 with outboard PSU into a Yamaha receiver with an internal phono stage. I hear no extraneous noise with the needle off the record 'til the volume control hits 12:00 - it then increases as the volume increases.

Playing records, the Exact cartridge has such a high output that I routinely listen between 9:00 and 10:00 and get plenty of volume...

Is the hum a problem or am I looking for an excuse to buy an add on phono stage?

BTW I seem to recall the same "problem" with an old HK receiver and a Denon TT with a Grado cart........but I thought it was Grado hum and when I swapped the cartridge for an Ortofon it was still there, but only at very high, not listening, volumes.

any comments would be appreciated.

Showing 4 responses by vinyladct

High output cartrdiges like the Exact are going to have some "noise" associated with them when you crank the volume on your amp up.

I'm a bit perplexed by the responses from Aceto and Readster. Your analog input is never going to be as quiet as, say, your CD input. It's not a problem though unless it's above the noise floor of your cartridge when playing.
The Exact is shielded but will still pick up stray noise from transformers, etc.

Where do you have the PSU located?
Sorry for the delay, been away for a few days.

If it's below the noise floor of the turntable and only audible when the volume pot is pushed past 12:00 - honestly, I wouldn't worry about it. I can't say 100% without hearing it in person - but it sounds like normal noise levels for your setup.

The number of coil windings in those high output cartridges are going to pick up some stray noise. Every Goldring (6mv) or Rega (7mv) cartridge I've ever run has had it.

You can drive yourself nuts tinkering with all the nuances of analog - your best bet is to just sit back and enjoy it as long as nothing is glaringly wrong.
The Exact is a fine cartridge, especially for jazz and rock - don't let anyone tell you otherwise. It's especially nice when you don't have an external phono-stage due to its unusually high output.
