60 cycle hum

I'm running a Rega P5 with outboard PSU into a Yamaha receiver with an internal phono stage. I hear no extraneous noise with the needle off the record 'til the volume control hits 12:00 - it then increases as the volume increases.

Playing records, the Exact cartridge has such a high output that I routinely listen between 9:00 and 10:00 and get plenty of volume...

Is the hum a problem or am I looking for an excuse to buy an add on phono stage?

BTW I seem to recall the same "problem" with an old HK receiver and a Denon TT with a Grado cart........but I thought it was Grado hum and when I swapped the cartridge for an Ortofon it was still there, but only at very high, not listening, volumes.

any comments would be appreciated.

Showing 1 response by readster

it probably has something to do with the cheap amplifiers you are running it through, i've never heard of a problem such as this.