6 Moons Reviews Zu Cable Definition Speaker

Srajan Ebaen gave the Zu Cable Definition speakers the Blue Moon Award.

For more details on this glowing review follow this link:


He liked the Definition so much he traded in his Druid/Method combo.

Personally, I think Zu is really on to something with their designs and I have put them at the top of my review list. FYI - I have no financial interest in Zu at all... just curious.

Showing 3 responses by dawgbyte

Srajan is a good writer IMO, but you have to sift through a tremendous amount of technical hyperbola to get any discription of the sound. Did anyone see any review of music or particular tracks that gave examples of the speakers strengths?

Granted Part deux is on the way, at which time I hope he delves into the musicality of these speakers. I want to hear more about the imaging, soundstage (depth/width), air around the instruments, width and heighth of the sweet spot, transparency, how difficult they were to position and whether they're halographic. How do they handle vocals, piano, drums & guitar? He says they sound like a live performance... on the surface that tells me they are a transparent window into the peformance and instruments; however that's not the full picture, because I've seen live performances that sounded like walls of distortion. See 1980's indoor arena concerts for further details (Omni Atlanta).

Technology is great, so is innovation... but I'm most interested in how they sound in practical applications.
Regardless of Srajan's choice of words and the style of his reviews, it does say something special when we know he actually purchased the Zu products. Srajan has reviewed many speakers including Green Mountain Audio's C-3 (their flagship model) and wrote a glowing review, but when it came time to plunk his hard earned money on a pair of speakers he chose Zu's.

What this really tells me over any hyperbola is that the Zu Definitions must be quite remarkable. The question we must face as consumers is whether our taste in audio listening is comporable to Srajan's. If it is, then one would probably find the Definitions to their liking. If not... well...
Is it fair to say that I detect a note of cynism and skepticism out there in audioland? Sounds like a lot of hair splitting and over analysis to me. Perhaps one should listen to the speakers and judge for oneself.

All things being equal, here are the facts:

1. Srajan has the opportunity to listen to a wide array of speaker products at various price points across the audio spectrum.

2. Srajan has some knowledge of acoutistical/electric engineering. To what degree I don't know.

3. Reviews by customers of both GMA and Zu speakers on the web have been very positive and enthusiastic.

4. Srajan has reviewed both GMA and Zu speakers.

5. Srajan owned a pair of $20K (retail) Avantegarde Duo's as his reference speakers. He also owned a model by Triangle.

6. He now owns Zu Cable Definitions.

7. 1+1 = 2

You do the math, connect the dots and figure it out for yourself.