5U4G suitable for Dyanco ST-70?

There have been several threads at various times on the suitability of subbing a 5U4G rectifier tube for either a 5V4G or a 5AR4 in a ST-70. I asked Will Vincent, a respected re-builder of ST-70s (among others) for his opinion and received the following email:

Harry: Never use a 5U4 in a Dynaco 70.....The power transformer is rated for 2 amps on the 5 volt winding....The 5U4 is rated at 3 amps......Not good......Will

So, I thought I should pass this along...

Showing 3 responses by petercapo

I recently finished building a new Stereo 70. It has the new Dynakitparts PT wound for 122VAC line. I put a thermistor in the PT primary and did some other enhancements, but the circuit is still essentially the original.

The amp sounds great. I just got a set of the new Tung Sol 6L6G and have tried them with 5U4GB and 5U4G rectifiers. There was no need to change-out the two 10k resistors in the bias supply. The greater voltage drop of the 5U4 and probably also the 122VAC PT make this possible.

I’ve tried this amp with the 5AR4 with JJ E34L, EH EL34 and JJ KT77. The 5U4/6L6G combination is better than all of them, to my ears.

I have been wanting to follow up on my post above about the 6L6G in my Stereo 70.  Initially I thought it had a very impressive midrange, but as time went on and I tried different 5U4 rectifiers, it became apparent that I wasn't so crazy about it, after all.  It seemed kind of fuzzy or something and the top end didn't sound quite right to me.  Whatever.  I know a lot of folks like 6L6 in the Stereo 70, so to each his own.  My favorite so far is the Gold Lion KT77.  I understand that the EH 6CA7 is probably also a very good choice.  I have reason to believe some Chinese tubes have really good potential in the 70 if you can find them properly screened and with straight pins.
I had an older set of JJ E34L that I liked a lot.

What don't you like about the EH 6CA7?