$510.00 for an Aluminum cover for the ARC Ref. 10?

Wanted to replace the poly covers, but this is unbelievable!!!

Showing 4 responses by taters

Like Mitcht said" spend 30k on a pre-amp and they ding you 500.00 for a cover" spend 10 times that on a Ferrari and pay 3500.00 for a carbon fiber coffee cup. The bottom line is they are laughing all the way to the bank.

The shipping back and forth would cost a fortune. If you don't have someone to service it locally I would forget about it.

I guess the manufacturers of luxury items think the people that buy them are suckers and can charge whatever they want for replacement parts.

Say what you want about D'agostino. He is one of the most respected designers out there. Plus after 30 years with Krell he had to start fresh with a new company. You will find a lot of the better high end stores in the country carrying his line.

Outside of audiogon I have not heard Rogers name mentioned. And I have went to a lot of audiophile meetings and have attended several shows along with visiting many shops. The only time I have ever seen his gear is years ago at Brooks Berdan.