$510.00 for an Aluminum cover for the ARC Ref. 10?

Wanted to replace the poly covers, but this is unbelievable!!!

Showing 3 responses by bifwynne

P.S. -- I think $510 is over the top (pun intended). My goodness, it's just stamped aluminum.
Kinda glad that when ARC did the SE upgrade on my Ref 5 they kept the original aluminum top. IMO, I like the black metal top better than a see through plastic job.

As an aside, I've read comments from some who say that the tops on the Ref 5 SE and Ref 150 SE can cause microphonic issues. FWIW, I took the top off my Ref 150 SE. Can't hear any difference. I think it's audiophile BS.
Guys ... you're overworking this issue.

Acrylic or aluminum or no cover at all .... it's all BS. I've listened to my Ref 150 SE and Ref 5 SE with and without aluminum covers. Couldn't hear a difference. The real problem is audiophile-nervosa.

I have metal covers and am happy as a clam. Oh ... and here's some audiophile heresy. I don't screw down the cover on my amp. Why??? So I can check tube bias more conveniently. OMG ... think of the microphonics.

And ... IMHO, based on pics, I think the acrylic cover looks chinsey (sp).