50hz deep enough?

I am looking at getting some new speakers and I am leaning toward a few differently bookshelf's.

However some of them only go down to 50hz.

Is this deep enough for music only? I am not a bass junkie. I just want to be true to the music. I know that there is information in the music I will be missing. However with a speaker starting to drop off at 50hz will I still be able to follow the rhythm of a bass guitar and large drums?

With my current set up I get LOTS of bass. My speakers are rated 34Hz +/- 3dB. Once I added my line conditioner and rega planet I found my bass really took a step up. or a step deeper I should say. Thus why I am wondering if a smaller monitor my be acceptable.

If you deem 50 Hz not deep enough, what would you consider minimum to be enjoyable and due justice to the music. I listen to everything except for Rap and country. I like rock, bluegrass, jazz, classical, vocal etc.... even metal on occasion.


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It depends on the speaker, the amplifier, the cables, the room and the stands. I auditioned a set of Linn Katan speakers which the manufacturer insists has a frequency range of 75hz to 20khz +-3db. I heard bass that was WAY BELOW 75 hz in a small room. These speakers has enough bass for me, and I like bass - at least down to the lowest note of a bass guitar or string bass. The B&W Nautilus 805 is rated from 56hz and does not seem to produce any usable bass below that value. This speaker does not have enough bass for me without a subwoofer. Very good, rigid and heavy stands can make a difference in the quality of the bass produced by "bookshelf" speakers.

Pick a few songs with bass parts that you like to listen to and try to audition the speakers you are considering. If you can, arrange for an audition in your home with the speakers you think will work best. If you are buying used on Audiogon, try what you think would be best and affordable form other's comments and your own experience. If they don't work, you can probably sell them for near the price that you bought them for and try a different pair.