5 Years or More?

I go through a lot of equipment, but one piece I haven't changed in the past five years and plan on owning another five years or more are my Merlin VSM-MXes (revisions or updates don't count as changes). How many have speakers they've owned and listen to for 5 years or more and don't plan on changing for another five years -that what speakers have you found to be "keepers"?
Merlin VSM-MM's with BAM in the big rig, plus Reference 3a MM DeCapo's in the office. For me, they are keepers. Lastly, Odyssey Audio Epiphony 2-ways in the dining room / kitchen area. All are supplemented with subs.
I've got a pair of Fried q's that must be at least 25 years old, running with a Pioneer integrated that's even older in the garage. 5+ year old NHT 3's in the loft that are going nowhere. Vandersteen 2CE's just left the main system after 8 years. I don't see the Chapman 77's going anywhere for a very, very long time.
I still have a pair of JSE Infinite Slope 1.0's I bought in 1986, liked them so much I bought a pair of the 1.8's a while back too.
I've upgraded probably 30 times in my life. I stopped for good in 2001, when I purchased Rockport Antares. By the way, I use Merlin TSM-MMs in my smallish video system.