5 things I will not do agian, what about you?

A post on Audio Asylum about weather you would start over or not if someone paid you what you had paid for you equipment made me think of 5 things I will never do again. Do you have a list to share? Of course we all know the danger of saying never.

1. Buy speakers that have to sit 4 to 6 feet out into the room.
2. Buy speaker cables so big and heavy they break things and make me want to curse.
3. Buy separates, integrated amps and power amps with volume control or power amps with attenuators are just too good, and you don�t need another power cord, another set of interconnects, and another power isolator.
4. Try to combine a Home theater and music system into one. This one I might some day have to do out of necessity but then I would just plug the TV into the two-channel system and enjoy.
5. Ignore, the room, vibration issues, power cords, and conditioners.

Showing 1 response by gunbei

1. Never again spend a shit load on cables like I've already done.

2. Never have as many preamps as I do now. Five.

3. Never again buy as much exotic hardwood on Ebay with the intent of building cool ass audio racks and never getting around to it. Now half my living room is filled with cocobolo, padauk, maple, zebrawood and who knows what else.

4. Never go to another CES and spend more time with Gilbert Yeung and Kevin Allen in the Blue Circle room with than with Christy Canyon at the Adult Expo. Boy, was she pissed!

5. And never listen to Marco when he recommends the latest and greatest appliance to trim my hair. He's the reason my noggin is at a permanent 45° angle now.