5 most overrated movies ever......

Ah such fun is being had on that other thread it's now time to take the axe to movies..........

1.Gladiator-for some reason "everybody" seemed to think there was some reason to feel emotional about this poor remake of Spartacus,the drawn-out revenge storyline trying vainly to add weight to little more than a CG generated WWF extravaganza,and the acting..oh dear..failed Aussie soap star Russell Crowe even won the oscar obviously Tom Hanks didn't make a movie that year...This films biggest crime is that it has the audacity to take itself seriously......watch it again in 5 years and wonder why you thought it was any good.
2.The Usual Suspects-with 20 minutes of this movie still to go I wanted to leave the cinema,who cared who Kaiser Sauzee was?
Off the back of Resevoir Dogs-a so-called hip movie that was all style over substance-absolute tosh,how very clever to have a script where the narrator lies to you,who cares if there were clues,who cared about any of these characters?, like a super-effective laxative launched a million movies with twist endings....
3.Blue Velvet--ah David Lynch-shocked us all with the fact that small town America had a dark side,didn't he watch the news?,read the newspapers,total junk,conceptual film-making without the concept,truly lazy nonsense,no script,only considered weird by those who like Lynch were ignored at school....unbelievably followed this up with worse movies with even more obvious points to make.
3.Platoon-some how at the time this was judged to be the movie that showed America had come to terms with the Viet Nam war..eh?
Hadn't anybody seen Coming Home,The Deer Hunter,Apocalypse Now,Bat 21?
All better movies made earlier,started Oliver Stone's trend to take serious subjects and condense them into nothing much to popular and critical acclaim.
Don't even start me on JFK.
Weren't the 80's crap.....
I don't care if he was in Viet Nam ,this movie is rubbish....
4.Braveheart-made me ashamed to be Scottish,historically inaccurate beyond belief,with an Australian playing a Scot,no doubt made ex-pats teary eyed the world over,made me cry with laughter
5.Anything with Tom Hanks-the modern day American everyman turns up everywhere,doomed space rockets,football pitches,WW2,you always know when he's in a movie that it will be sentimental populist tosh-Saving Private Ryan was great till he turned up signalling the end of any realism...oh and those Oscar speeches.............

Fire away fellow Audiogon Movie fans.........

Showing 3 responses by killerpiglet

Agreed, Gunbei, on the Halloween; ever see In Cold Blood? those first 15 minutes or so are a terrifying as anything I've ever seen. Saw it once, could not bear to see it again.

Just to rattle off a few, limiting to those that received "critical acclaim" (emperor's new clothes syndrome):

Gladiator (*poof* any respect anyone possibly had for the Acadmy Awards goes off in a cloud of marketing)

Braveheart (pet peeve: chain mail doesn't slice like polyester!)

Dance with Wolves (hey, dude, let's go the the teepee, light up, spin some Zeppelin; besides, Kevin Costner's acting can put a crack fiend to sleep)

Tootsie (go watch Some Lik it Hot for a good version, or "Ed or Edna" for a campy version. Either one is funnier)

The Crying Game (wow, like the Adam's apple didn't give it away)
Fatal Attaction (or was it Friday the 13th part 12?)

Bonus Pick: Independence Day (ok, not critically acclaimed, but what bad movie list can be complete without this tribute to absolute idiocy?)

Gunbei, I agree with you.
Manhunter was a true horror flick.
The first scene, where the flasligh is svcanning the staircase as the perpetrator walks up, then scans over a teddy bear that has been tossed on one of the steps.
A real horror flick in the true sense of the term, like the first Alien. The Lecter in Silence of the Lambs was on over the top cartoon character.