5 Dumb Things Audiophiles Believes.

So funny and so, so true, at least point number 5. 



Showing 2 responses by richardmathes

I like the Tiger Woods analogy.

Regarding the wires, the sample set of individuals exposed to or owning them remains relatively small, and is skewed heavily toward narcissisists with large egos, big mouths, and a larger pot of money. How many of us can afford or would even choose to invest thousands of dollars in wires to test these claims? I'm all in on hearing the contrarian voice., and appearance for that matter. 

It's ironic that some Golden Eyes in the community are put off by this fellow's dress.

Would you hear the man differently if he was groomed differently, like say, an urban bro look? A stuffed-shirt Corporate Executive? Perhaps the shallow Senator take on "best dressed"?

I'm sensing a world of unclothed emperors and pricked egos out there. My takeaway is don't take yourself too seriously when making claims that are too frequently based largely on personal subjective experiences. The quality of my musical judgement is not directly proportional to the irrational sums of cash I gleefully plunk down. 

It also bears repeating that he says if it brings you pleasure, enjoy. Just don't bore the rest of us with a claim to have drunk from the cup of acoustic omniscience.