5 Dumb Things Audiophiles Believes.

So funny and so, so true, at least point number 5. 



Showing 3 responses by daveteauk

He's funny in his presentation, yes, and maybe a little arrogant too, but a LOT of what he says is absolutely true, IMO. It seems that the most offended/outraged on here are the ones who have lots and lots of previous posts - you know who you are.

It's not arrogant to say that some have, or can, 'hear' 'better' or 'more' than others, or rather, have a more experienced ear. eg. I have a good friend who used to be an importer/distributor of 'high end' equipment. HIS system sounds awful (to me), and one reason, IMO, is that he has his speakers, which are designed to be used well away from the wall, have their backs up against it, and one is close to a corner! You can imaging the awful bloated, thrummy and ill defined bass, and the effect that that has on the rest of the frequency range, yet he likes it and thinks it's fine. No accounting for taste, or hearing experience, or willingness to experiment with speaker positioning, which is CRITICAL.

The BS that's talked about, a LOT, on this forum provides a lot of humor, for me, and I'm sure for many others. Speaker cable risers does it for me - REALLY!!! Expensive fuses on the input to a power amp!! Get a grip!

He makes a lot of sense and says things which are absolutely true, which has hit hard, a nerve of some of the self righteous, self proclaimed experts on here.

@fittebd - If you watched it for less than a minute, then you have no place here to make a comment on something you've just admitted you hardly watched! - epic AG comment!

@bjoffe /Ben - So, you didn't like/agree/listen/understand; because he has 'painted wood panneling'!! OMG - what a dumb thing to point out. It shows your level of understanding. What possible difference can that have on what someone is saying? Oh yeah - you also don't like his hat!! REALLY? Is that the best comment you can make?

@coltrane1 "He’s not arrogant at all. You only perceive him as arrogant because your ears, and mind, are closed. He’s only stating common sense". - I absolutely agree, particularly with the closed mind comment.


@fittebd I didn't 'call out' 3 people, just two, try reading again - I was agreeing with the third. You seem to be one of the closed minded variety he mentions.

If you don't fully watch something, how can you criticise it?? You can't. Nor can you have an opinion of something you know almost nothing about.

You say he attacks just to attack - when he's just having an opinion, like you believe it's ok to have, which it is, but HE can't have one according to you. Just because you don't want to (and didn't!) hear what he's saying (closed mind) you criticised him. So, you only listen and agree with people that you personally know?! Then you should stay off here. Maybe you also side with bjoffe (Ben), as he doesn't like him or what he's saying, because of his hat and room decor!!