5 Channel Amp for under $2k?

I've been slowly assembling a new system after inheriting some older equipment, which reinspired my interest in audio gear. I've put together a few nice pieces (Aragon Soundstage Pre-Pro, Joseph Audio RM7Si speakers, Denon 2900) but I think my weak link is my 'inherited' amps (Carver & Hafler... each 10+ years old).

I listen to a lot of music (both two channel and newer 5.1 mixes), but we also watch a lot of movies (thanks to NetFlix).

I'm looking for a good 5 channel amp (or combo of other amps) for under $2k. I've investigated the used market for Krell KAV 500, Sunfire Cinema Grand Sig, Parasound Halo A52, and EarthQuake Cinenova.

Since I live in HI, auditioning these isn't very feasible so I'm hoping to get some strong recommendations before venturing into the 'used' market, or if there are new products that would rival these ... I'm all ears!

Uccprince -

You listed one of my favorite 5 channel amps for all purpose, theater and 2 channel, the Cinenova. If you can lift it, give 'er a try, phenomenal. The Interga Reseach RDA-7 is one of my favorite multi channel amps, covers all spectrums as well, B.A.T. designed, Onkyo built. Great, powerful, dynamic, and is a 7 channel THX certified amp!
The Proceed AMP5 is very nice for $2,000 preowed as well.


Don't forget the Golden Theater. The GTX & GTA I bought off of you a couple of years ago still work great!

I just picked up a ATI 2505 from onecall.com for $1400 clearanced some places are still selling it for $2798 so its a steal, brand new with 7 year warrenty parts and labor.
The Aragon 8008x5 would be a good match for the Soundstage, but so would many of the other amps mentioned already.