5.1 under 4k?

I'm looking to upgrade my speakers and sub and hopefully stay under $4,500. I'm using a Marantz sr7007 and my room size is 10x20x12. Any suggestions on a used purchase? new?

Thanks in advance
I have had an Onkyo A-9555 integrated amp for five years. For the money it was a good amp, but no way can it approach a Marantz PM8004.
The latest Onkyo amp's are better than the new Marantz in speed and individual focus. With Monitor Audio you also get more depth. Wenn you go back to Marantz the depth is fully gone. And you have a 2-dimensional image again with the Monitor Audio speakers. These test I have done hundreds of times. For me the outcome is like 1 and 1 is 2. It is that simple for me what kind of image you will get. Depth is the most thrilling part in highend audio. An amp of 100 dollar also gives a 2-dimensional image. A deep and wide stage makes 2 and Multi channel sound the most exiting.
Forgive the newbie question. Since the sr7007 can amplify 2 channels can I get away with purchasing a 3 channel amp to improve the overall performance of my system? I hooked up the rythmik LV12R last night and it sound pretty nice. Still doing some testing.

Since the RX1s have a recommended amp of 25-80w would spending money on a 200w amp be beneficial?

Thanks for all the information and help.
Listen; you only get a deep and wide stage wenn; source, amp ( even pre amp and power amp), speakers en even cables can give a deep and wide stage. Wenn one part is not capable of giving depth, it is gone. Wenn you put a poweramp like Pass Labs or Primare to a Marantz surr receiver the depth is gone. I have done these tests also many times. Onkyo is the only brand in there price tag which is capable of giving a deep and wide stage. Many of my clients have an Onkyo surr processor with a Primare power amp with Monitor Audio. They all have a 3-dimensional deep and wide stage. I love to give clients for normal prices a 3-dimensional sound. Most of there friends all have a 2-dimensional sound. After hearing a 3-dimensional sound you want a 3-dimensional sound as well!
You have pre outs for all of your channels. You can get a separate amp of any of them and still use the amps in your 7007 for any of the channels you don't get amps for. For example, you can buy a 2 channel amp for your front left and right speakers and still use the 7007 for the center and surrounds.