45 tubes for Yamamoto A-08s

I am new to this type of tubes, i said to myself never buy tube amp anymore, but it was hard to resist when Yamamoto A-08s (from my old wantlist) turned up for sale at affordable price, finally. And i bought it (no more cartridges this month for sure, i am saving on new tubes). 

So many amazing reviews online, especially from people who use same speakers like my Zu Audio Druid.

Damn, why do i need another amp if i already have First Watt praised as much as the Yammy with same type of speakers. Maybe for my final comparison of the best Solid State vs. SET ... who knows.

Anyway, my unit comes with used tubes supplied originally (NOS) by the manufacturer.

I know nothing about 45 tubes and i wish to learn quickly.

The most popular NEW replacement is Emission Lab 45s ($648 for a pair in USA now, the price will be higher soon).

Maybe there are some cheaper NOS tubes available ?

Please recommend me something, especially if you have same Yamamoto A-08s amp



Showing 1 response by gwalt

I owned that amplifier along with the Jeff Korneff 45 when I owned my horns. I tried the EML solid plates in both amplifiers and thought they gave a much more HIFI rendition. Dynamics and bass were good but just not my cup of tea for a 45 and the Yamamoto A08 is a lit up sounding 45 amplifier anyway. 
I would stick with the NOS and found the order of priority for the best in my tastes as follows:
National Union
All of the above were NOS shoulder tubes. I would only purchase them from a reputable seller of tubes. On EBAY there is a chance of good tubes but you would have to make sure of return privilege and stellar feedback on tested tubes with previous sales.
Clearly a pair of RCA Globes with the flying saucer getter is to die for if you like the sweetness of the 45 however those are old and hard to find with potential high failure rate but a beautiful sound with a somewhat rolled off top end.
All is this is based on my system and to my tastes at the time so it all depends on what your after in the end and your speakers etc. It should be a clue the manufacturer included NOS with the amplifier.
I have some NOS I might consider selling if you ping me I can explain further.